Unusual Paris: Discover the Petite Ceinture

Unusual Paris: Discover the Petite Ceinture

Published on in Visit Paris

Paris is a city where every street corner holds surprises, but some hidden places deserve special attention. Among them, the Petite Ceinture, an old railway line that winds through the city, is an undiscovered gem offering a unique perspective on the capital. Discover this unusual site during your stay at the Hôtel Vice Versa and dive into a side of Paris off the beaten path.

A Journey Through Time

The Petite Ceinture, inaugurated in 1852, was originally a railway line designed to connect the various train stations in Paris. It played a crucial role in transporting goods and passengers for nearly 100 years. Today, this railway relic has become a lush walking path, offering a fascinating blend of urban landscapes and wild nature. Walking along its disused tracks allows you to relive Paris's history while enjoying unexpected views of the city. The restored sections have become popular spots for history enthusiasts and those seeking tranquility.

A Green Oasis in the City

What makes the Petite Ceinture truly special is its transformation into a peaceful haven in the heart of the metropolis. The landscaped sections are perfect for a serene stroll away from Paris's hustle and bustle. You'll find lush gardens, urban sculptures, and even small artworks created by local artists. Walkers can explore passages that meander through picturesque neighborhoods and discover lesser-known aspects of Paris, such as surprising views of iconic landmarks and hidden green spaces. It offers a stark contrast to the lively boulevards and tourist spots.

Staying at the Hôtel Vice Versa places you in an ideal position to explore this unusual Paris. The Petite Ceinture is not only a fascinating escape but also an original way to experience the city from a new angle. Don’t miss the chance to venture off the beaten path and immerse yourself in the hidden richness of the French capital.



Hotel Vice Versa, a 4-star boutique hotel in the heart of Paris 15th